Everyone in the game industry has an opinion on where the industry is going to go and I am absolutely no exception. In this article I'm going to talk about the gaming industry in 3 phases; 2 years, 5 years and 10 years. This should give you a pretty good idea of my opinions for the future.
So starting with the state I think the gaming industry will be in in 2 years time. First of all I believe we will see a rise in voice controlled games for Alexa, Siri and Google home. They already have simple games (such as the Simon says game) that have been very successful and I feel that the more the public become used to them (of which children already are), the higher the increase in plays. Another platform I think is going to do very well in the next 2 years is the rise of Cloud gaming. The Stadia didn't quite get it right the first time, but you could really see the potential. This is going to lead to MASSIVE worlds and INCREDIBLE graphics being introduced, this is a very exciting innovation that I'm sure many game developers will love to develop for because of its incredible hardware advances. Finally, I see the continuation of games becoming more mobile and on the go, with social media games making a comeback (e.g. instagram story games, facebook apps, tik tok games etc).
Moving on to 5 years, I think we will begin to see some really exciting developments in VR with them becoming more affordable (but not quite affordable enough) so that players would be willing to buy one as a little bit of fun. Once players realise how great VR can be and developers actually start making a large amount of games for VR, we will see a surge in VR gaming that will continue to pave the way for a new games unit.
Finally, in 10 years time we will see VR in full swing, with headsets in most peoples houses and the top games of the time being introduced onto the devices. We will begin to see a real increase in the VR technology and this will be a key platform that developers will create for. Voice will be an integral part of game play and IoT can be integrated into games to make your home a more immersive environment.
I believe that the main focus in 10 years will be how we can make games more immersive and realistic, this will be met with many health and wellbeing challenges as people will be obviously resilient to a device that could essentially keep people in the home.
Anyway, they are my thoughts, let me know yours in the comments.
- Kalon